Trinity Church, Darfield
cnr Main West Coast and Bangor Roads (Highways 73 & 77)
Greendale Church
Greendale Road
St Andrews of the Glen, Glentunnel
Homebush Road (Highway 72)
St Peters Community Church, Springfield
Main West Coast Road

1st Sunday
9.30am Trinity Church, Darfield
Relaxed formal style with old or new hymns and liturgy, approx. one hour.
2nd Sunday
9.30am Greendale Church Hall, Greendale Road.
Sit-down themed lay-led gathering, with songs/choruses, prayers and discussion, plus food and drink.
2nd Sunday. Sheffield
10am 'Café Hope' St James, Wrights Rd, Sheffield
Sit-down themed lay-led gathering, with songs/choruses, prayers and discussion, plus food and drink.
2nd Sunday. Glentunnel
11.30am Prayers at St Andrews of the Glen, Glentunnel
Short Anglican-style prayer time, approx. ten minutes.

3rd Sunday
10am St Ambrose, 44-46 Railway Tce East, Sheffield
4th Sunday
9.30am Trinity Church, Darfield
Parish Communion
Relaxed formal style as above plus a Methodist/Presbyterian hybrid Communion
5th Sunday
9.30am Trinity Church, Darfield
Combined Anglican/Cooperating Parishes' service. Led by each in turn.